March 16, 2019 – Trio of Events Honoring - James McCarroll (1814-1892) – Prof. Michael Peterman who wrote the recently published biography of James McCarroll, came from Canada with his wife Cara. Saturday, March 16 started with a 2:30 PM Lecture and Question & Answer by Dr. Peterman, led by Mary Lannon as the moderator. It attracted a crowd along with student members of the Aquinas Honor Society. It was this group of students who help draft the text on the James McCarroll bronze marker.. At 3:00 the group walked to the grave of Ella Jennings and James McCarroll. The plaque did not arrive in time so a make shift one of cardboard was quickly created and placed on an easel. That was uncovered and photos were taken. The Aquinas Honor Society students helped Dr. Peterman to unveil the new marker and many brought flowers, which they laid on the grave.
At 4 PM the Irish Concert began at the Center at Maple Grove and had a full house. Celeste Chau had a large group of performers and it was an AWESOME program which included the reading of poems written by McCarroll and two songs he composed. The event was taped and is on youtube. This was followed by a reception with a huge crowd. The day was A MAJOR SUCCESS! The monument was set in place the following week and it looks incredible. Thank you to Phil from the Maple Grove staff for doing all this work.
Next year we hope to have an event to unveil the bronze marker for Dr. Ella Jennings.