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Sponsor an event

If your organization would like to sponsor a program, event or project, please contact The Friends of Maple Grove by email at or by phone at (347) 878- 6613 to discuss further details.

The Friends of Maple Grove Cemeter, a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) membership organization located in Kew Gardens, New York. The Friends of Maple Grove was created for the charitable purpose of increasing public knowledge and appreciation of the artistic, historical, horticultural and cultural resources of Maple Grove Cemetery. Within this framework, the Friends sponsor a variety of programs and activities throughout the year, while respecting the serenity of the environment and the privacy of families. 


  • Create, Develop and Enhance Credibility- build trust and establish a rapport with your stakeholders. Being a sponsor will highlight you and your business. Name and logo will appear at events, on fliers, programs and potential newspaper advertisements, thus extending your reach into target communities.

  • Community Involvement and Giving Back - getting involved with local events will be sending a message to the attendees that you are genuinely interested in providing support. Companies that show generosity for a cause will spark more human interest and appeal, as well as supporting and encouraging your employees to be involved with the community.

  • Tax Deduction - The Friends of Maple Grove Cemetery, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) membership organization.

After contacting The Friends of Maple Grove by email at or by phone at (347) 878- 6613 to discuss sponsoring an event, you can print a sponsorship form and submit payment via the Donate PayPal button below.

Click here to print a Sponsorship Form.


Submit sponsorship payment via the Donate PayPal button

Donate with PayPal
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