FEATURED Residents
The Friends of Maple Grove Cemetery
honors the memory of
Sam Loyd
The Tunnel Family

Sam Loyd (January 30, 1841 – April 10, 1911),
born in Philadelphia and raised in New York, was an American chess player,
chess composer, puzzle author, and recreational mathematician. He became known as “America’s Puzzle King.” As a chess composer, he authored a number of chess problems, often with interesting themes.
At his peak, Loyd was one of the best chess players in the US, and was ranked 15th in the world, according tochessmetrics.com. Loyd was inducted into the US Chess Hall of Fame in 1987. Following his death, his book Cyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles was published (1914) by his son. His son, named after his father started publishing reprints of his father's puzzles.
Sam Loyd is buried at Maple Grove, Cemetery in Kew Gardens, NY. The Friends of Maple Grove Cemetery honor the memory of Sam Loyd. This year we mark the 175th Anniversary of his birth! Please visit the samloyd.com website to learn more!
Friends of Maple Grove

The TunnelFamily
The Friend's of Maple Grove is so proud to honor and preserve the memory of Millie Tunnell. Her resting site is no longer unmarked. To learn more about this amazing story, please click on the link below.